January 16, 2016

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I’m really close to closing out the fuel tanks. One of the things I put off is sealing the shop heads of all the rivets.

To seal the rivets, I filled a syringe with Pro-Seal and applied a blob of sealant to each shop head. I did my best to ensure the entire rivet was covered. I used a popsicle stick to smooth out each blob into a little mound of sealant. I was only able to seal 4.5 of the 7 ribs. 

Since I had a little more sealant let over, I covered the tooling hole and the outboard rib stiffener holes.
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I was only able to work for about 2 hours today because I’m heading up to Vandenberg to watch the Flight 19 launch with some SpaceXers.

Go Falcon 9, go Jason-3, and go SpaceX!!

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