July 10, 2016

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Unfortunately, I have to start the day by doing some backtracking. When I mounted the inboard aileron bracket to the rear spar, I forgot I as supposed to add a doubler, which is covered under a service bulletin the Van’s just issued.

I cut, deburred, and primed the doublers.

After removing the right inboard bracket, I reattached it with the doublers in place.

This view shows the doublers.

I riveted the riveted the right aileron fairing with my pneumatic squeezer. 

Everything with the fairing came together nicely, except the rivet that is located furthest inboard. The rivet gets really close to the bracket doubler, as shown in the photo below. 

To address this issue, I just used a blind rivet to secure that last hole. Works for me.


The last thing I did was take care of some lingering tasks. The inboard rivets the join the top skin to the spar are difficult to set due to the proximity of the spar doubler. For two of the rivets, I had to use Oops rivets because I had widened the hole too much. This rivet job is pretty terrible as-is so I’m going to sleep on it before I decided what to do.

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