Including breaks and a run to Home Depot, I spent about 12 hours at the hangar today. I started the day by bending the left elevator skin. It appears the jig had warped a little bit, but the trailing edge of the skin looked fine.
After bending the skin, I clicked the entire left elevator and match drilled the holes.
A minor setback… I had to go to Home Depot for replacement hearing protection.
I deburred and dimpled all left elevator parts.
The elevator parts were primed.
I riveted the outer ribs. I had to drill out one of the rivets.
I riveted reinforcement plates and nut plates. I conformed to SB-02-05-14, but I accidentally installed the smaller reinforcement plate on the wrong side. The rivets will need to be drilled out and the reinforcement plates will need to be installed on the correct side of the spar.
The inner and out ribs were riveted to the spar.
Lastly, I riveted the control horn to the structure. Not bad for a day’s work!