September 4, 2016

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Today’s the day I’m going to put the cracked leading edge behind me. To do all this work, I pulled the wing out of the stand and placed it on sawhorses. thumb_IMG_2039_1024

Here’s the wing on sawhorses. It looks pretty sweet when it’s out of the fixture. 

To fix the hole, I’m going to remove the damaged area and add a doubler. I used a unibit to cut a .500 diameter hole, which effectively removed the damaged region. IMG_2154

To form the doubler, I cut out a 2.5 X 2.5 square of .025 aluminum. In order to allow the aluminum to conform to the shape of the leading edge, I rolled the doubler over a piece of pipe I had laying around. I checked the curvature of the doubler against a scrap leading edge rib. 

The doubler mounting holes were match drilled against the outside of the wing. I started with #40 holes and went up to #30 holes.

Here’s the drilled wing:

To dimple the skin, I used a close-quarters dimple die. This was the hardest part of the repair. First, the wing had to be moved back into the stand. I used needle-nose pliers to pass the dimple die through a lightening hole in the spar and out through the drilled holes in the skin.

After the dimple die stem was protruding out of the wing, I used my blind rivet tool to form the dimples.

I deburred, dimpled, and primed the doubler.

The last thing I did was install the doubler. It took some patience to capture the doubler with a cleco, but everything ended up turning out great. The only thing left to do is to secure the doubler with blind rivets and full in the hole with some body filler. 

On the left wing, I riveted the inboard aileron bracket in place. I incorporated the service bulletin parts, which strengthen the backside of the bracket.

Here’s another image of the bracket.

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