June 19, 2018

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I got to the hangar around 6:30 today, which is really early for a work day. This ended up being a super productive day, which means I’m on the cusp of having everything ready to go for the fuselage assembly!

I got the day started by riveting the side gussets to the firewall. I feels really good doing some assembly work.

I riveted the F-7101 Gear Attach Web to the Bulkhead. I’m doing my best to have the manufactured head of the rivets be visible to the pilot for aesthetics.

Since I had forgotten to countersink the bottom stiffener of the firewall, I knocked that out tonight. I’ll paint the exposed metal before assembly.

I needed to paint the exposed parts of the F-705 bulkhead. The first thing I did was mask nearly the entirely of the center section. This was a huge pain.

I put a fresh coat of primer on the F-705 vertical members. I’ll apply the paint next time I go into the hangar. I’m so close to starting the final assembly!

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