November 4, 2021

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I spent 2-3 hours continuing to work through the interfaces between the forward canopy frame and skin. One thing I’m realizing is that Vans didn’t take the time to check the hole spacings in certain areas on the frame. I probably should have known better to trust the plans without actually checking the hardware, but it’s annoying regardless. For the holes that are too close, I’ll likely just fill them with Bondo and move on. This isn’t a structural issue.

I finished dimpling the skin and countersinking the frame. You can see in the image below where I countersunk the holes in the frame for the canopy actuator mount. I’ll have to fill that smaller hole with Bondo, which sucks. The same is true for the nearly-snowman holes in the lower left corner.

Here’s the canopy skin area that will interface with the frame.

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