September 16, 2023

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I’m getting towards the tail-end of horizontal stabilizer. I started out the day cleaning my hangar. I still don’t have a great sense of organization, but a hour of cleanup was really useful.

The first thing I did was drill out the trim cable pass thru hole. I used a unibit to open up the hole to 5/8 diameter. 

I got the HS-707 forward ribs riveted in place. That was actually a bit challenging due to the lack of access inside the HS.

After getting the forward ribs riveted, I clecoed for forward spar and installed the LP4-3 blind rivets. I’m now ready to rivet the forward spar to the skins.

Here’s the state of the horizontal stabilizer. It will be 1 or 2 more sessions before this baby is closed out.

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