October 28, 2023

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Trim tab assembly continues! The next step is to get the trim tab fitted to the left elevator. I clamped the elevator to the trim tab using sections of angle aluminum along the aft and inboard edges.

After ensuring things were properly aligned, I drilled the trim tab hinge to the elevator. To drill the tab, I marked a few holes with a Sharpie, removed the hinge, and predrilled the pilot holes on a bench. After reinstalling the hinge, I final drilled all the holes. I’m going to close out the elevator gap along the tab with a “riblet”.

I didn’t dimple the holes for the blind rivets along the sides of the trim tab. I’m honestly not sure if I’m supposed to countersink the holes or not. I ended up machine countersinking the holes, which turned out fine. The rivets are slightly proud, but it doesn’t make me concerned.

Here’s the nearly completed trim tab. I think it’s looking pretty good.