December 3, 2015

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I got to the hangar at about 9 pm to get some tank work done. Today is the first day I start sealing the tanks!

I did a super thorough job scouring the bonding surfaces with Scotchbrite and cleaning everything with acetone. 

The left skin and stiffeners are ready for bonding.

I soaked the rivets in acetone.

It took some time to get the hang of working with Proseal. This stuff gets everywhere. I ended up mostly using popsickle sticks to apply the sealant.

The rivets were all “wet set”. This looks pretty messy right now, but everything cleaned up nicely after the rivets were set.

Here’s the stiffeners placed on the skin before I bucked the rivets.

I didn’t finish up until about 1 am. I need to go back and add a little more sealant around some of the rivets/stiffeners. I really pumped to wrap up these tanks!

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