This was a extremely productive painting day. I’m happy to report that I’m nearly ready to begin assembly of the center and forward fuselage.
The first thing I got done was the priming of some of the F-720 Armrests, F-719 Stiffener, and F-713 Longeron.
I fixed some of the masking on the firewall and got all the non-stainless steel parts painted. I realized I missed countersinking the bottom stiffener. I’ll do this next time I go to the hangar.
After some quick masking work, I painted the forward face of the F-706 bulkhead.
The upper sides of the bottom skin need to be painted because that will be exposed above the carpet. I masked the bottom face of the skin and got the side faces painted.
Next up, I got the upper longerons painted. The aft portion behind the cockpit has the normal green epoxy primer.
Since I made a big batch of paint and didn’t want it to go to waste, I finished up the day by priming a few piece-parts. The part at the bottom of the image is the F-601E-1 Stiffener. The upper two parts are F-796B Reinforcement Angles.
This was a long, but productive Saturday. I have some wrap up work I want to knock out on the center section and then it’s assembly time!