August 29, 2021

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I had a solid day working on the left flap. I was hoping to finish this assembly today, but I came up a bit short. 

The first thing I did was get the end ribs riveted in place. The picture below shows to the underside of the inboard rib. The forward rivets were solids, but the rivets aft of the spar had to be blind rivets. 

Here’s the topside of the inboard rib. Looking good!

Before installing the flap spar, I wanted to make sure the flap was as twist-free as possible. You can see I’ve got good agreement on the angle between the inboard and outboard ends. 


Here’s my nearly completed flap. I got all the upper rivets installed on the forward spar. I just need to get the bottom rivets installed. Since these can all be squeezed, this should be pretty easy. 

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