May 1, 2016

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When I drilled the mounting holes for the fuel level sensor, I accidentally used the right sensor has a guide, instead of the left sensor. I didn’t realize the patters were reversed on the sensors.

To fix the problem, I used my hole cutter to remove the mis-drilled material.

I fabricated a doubler plate with the correct hole pattern.

The nut plates were back riveted to the doubler plate.

Finally, I match drilled the doubler plate in the hole location that had been previously cut out.
IMG_0999 IMG_1002

I fabricated the vent tube for the left tank.

The vent tube installation came out really well. 

I installed that large rivet to plug the tooling hole.

The last thing I did was open up the hole for the tie down spacer. I used a unibit to get the job done. IMG_1013

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