I’m finally back in the hangar. Things have been pretty slow on the airplane front lately since I’ve been back at work. On the non-airplane front, Jennifer and I got engaged last weekend!
The big goal for today was to get the primer coat on the canopy frame. I got things prepped by filling some unused holes with Bondo. These were annoying holes that Van’s should have told you to avoid drilling.
I secured the canopy frame for priming by looping some string though the hinge holes and the the roof beam. This was actually a great way to hold the part. I also primed the canopy top skin.
After letting the primer dry for about an hour, I got moving on the riveting of the top skin to the frame. This was relatively straight forward. I’m going to need some longer blind rivets where I placed those spacers between the tube and the skin. You can see the rivets I got installed in the picture below.